Henry Ford Partial Hospitalization Program

Henry Ford Health
Area Served: Metro Detroit, MI, and surrounding areas
Population Served: Adults with primary mental health issues
Serving the community for more than 30 years

Staff Highlight
Teamwork is what makes our program a success. We are a team who “have each other’s back” even in a mostly virtual environment. We all wear many hats in our roles. I would like to highlight Jessica Jensen, Jan Greig, Pat Davison, Denise Bilbrey, and our newest employee LaFarra Hemphill. Additionally, I would like to highlight our attending psychiatrist Dr. Dan Smith and Dr. Sam Schwendiman (our previous interim attending). An Honorable mention also goes to Sue McCauley who does our insurance verification (and is not even technically in our department).
Each of these team members plays an integral role in this department’s success whether they are a full time, part time, interim, or contingent staff. This team regularly goes above and beyond for patients and each other because they truly love what they do. Each individual listed below is an extraordinary person who has a calling for providing compassionate mental health care. Daily, they help patients find hope and reasons for living.

Program Highlight
Henry Ford PHP has been well regarded by the system and community as providing Dialectical Behavior Therapy to patients. Patients love the skills they learn in Dialectical Behavior Therapy and one patient recently commented that “the DBT skills I learned saved my life. ” In 2001 Henry Ford Behavioral Health was the first to pioneer and conceptualize “zero suicides” as a goal and develop a care pathway to assess and modify suicide risk for patients with depression. Zero suicide guidelines and practices are embedded in PHP care as well as the electronic medical record.
Our regular staff consists of 1 attending psychiatrist,1 full-time Supervisor/LMSW therapist, 1 full-time LMSW therapist, 1 part-time Occupational Therapist/ Social Worker, and 1 contingent Registered Nurse. We pride ourselves in being seasoned providers who are passionate about providing compassionate care to our patients. Our full-time therapists do all referral coordination which allows for a personalized approach to each and every caller. One referring psychiatrist provided feedback in stating “thank you for being the most valuable referral service in Henry Ford Behavioral Health.”
Additional focus of PHP team members includes supervising psychiatry residents, supervising medical students, and partnering with the Employee Assistance Program to provide some emotional support sessions to Henry Ford Health employees.
Our team is also active in the community in advocating for mental health initiatives, reducing mental health stigma, and yearly adopting a local family for the holidays.
More about the Program
Partial Hospital Program which provides daily higher level of care programming Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm to referred patients. Since September 2020 Henry Ford PHP has operated as a fully virtual program. Current staffing allows us to accommodate 10 patients in the group setting.